Friday 24 February 2017

NOT dead!!

I'm STILL here,people!!
It has been AGES upon AGES since I last made a post on this page at all...
I've got A LOT to make up for and (believe me) I can do just that.
This page is a HUGE part of my expressive being.
I LIVE for the art of informational distribution and (although it looked that way) I can assure all my readers and viewers abroad that I have never given up on this page and that I always have (and still do) cared VERY MUCH for this public figure/MrPokemon907 that I have created as a means of expressing touch with Pokemon and Nintendo in general.
I'm gonna be making LOTS more videos than I did before.
I've got LOTS of things to detail in my light/perspective.
Most eyes flicking through this post may be anxious (by now) to find out why I've been gone for so long.....
The reason for this MASSIVE hiatus I pretty much definitely because of the same thing that plagued COUNTLESS people along the last year till now...
Just WHAT is it??!!
MASS boredom and exhaustion....
Creativity AND aspiration for produce has been stifled among COUNTLESS producers and/or developers of every art.....ODD....
Something mysterious has been striding amidst mankind as of late...
A weird depression.....
Most of you out there reading this may actually be sufferers of this very thing I mention.
Whatever it is,I'm gonna make sure that I fight it (as well should you)!!
((That is definitely one thing that I'll look to touch on in DEPTH soon enough))
Responsibilities...duties and such,were also a bit of the cause....
ANYWAY....what counts is that I'm BACK,right?
Get excited peeps.
I'm gonna give 2017 my all!!