Monday 12 May 2014

Just how great will these be?

I've known about these games being on official standby for a good few months now,and therefore they announcement serves as no surprise to me whatsoever.
Take note though of me actually mentioning the games to be on STANDBY for a good while and NOT that they were in progress....
YES,yes...these games actually WEREN'T in progress during all those months of rumour...and that's the terrifying part....
{May till November (of the same year) is a REALLY small time interval to be attempting the production of a game under such huge demand}
These games weren't even in the original plan for a 2014 video game release.
{Now if that is so...the question would be..just what exactly could have caused them to change their mind so suddenly..right?}
Well the possible causes would be...
1:{The chance of Economic recovery and Upliftment}
The original Ruby and Sapphire games were HUGE successes during they time of release (scoring around $7 Million in just two months),therfore making a Ruby and Sapphire remake a definitely good choice for a chance at economic recovery.

2:{The existence of a release formula}
The Pokemon Company has been following a kind of solid formula/pattern for game releases and the Ruby and Sapphire remakes for sure fall into this pattern.

(a) 2 new games --> (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire GBA)

(b) The remakes of games from 2 generations behind (Pokemon Red and Green GBC) -> (Fire Red and Leaf Green GBA)

(c) A sequel for the 2 new games -> (Pokemon Emerald GBA)

{Pokemon Z would fit in as the sequel for the 6th gen formula}

Nintendo has been running into a pretty bad economic instability lately (ever since the terrible launch sales of the Nintendo Wii U) and they have been what you would call DESPERATE lately..the major problem with that is the fact that they would apparently rush a game JUST to get an early enough chance at grabbing the possible resulting money pool (from sales).
Pokemon X and Y is a good example of a rushed game by them (we all know how damaging those resulting glitches were) and I fear the same possible fate for these 2 games..
Money is low..and the major public influence/fame for the Ruby and Sapphire series could surely encourage a rush in they production...
I'm of course hoping that this doesn't damage either the technical stability or (especially) the overall content of the resulting "new born" Hoenn region.
{Pokemon X and Y was already a bit too uneventful for my taste and it for sure looks like the same could be in store for these new Ruby and Sapphire games}
It's highly unlikely that these games won't be affected (by a production rush) but We still can't know for sure...
As always though,time would have to tell.
What do you have to say about this announcement?
Leave a comment if you can.

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