Sunday 30 August 2015

Youtube Gaming is here...Is Twitch...DEAD?!!

Youtube Gaming is now LIVE!!
*First things first....just WHAT is Youtube Gaming (you might ask)?
Well..Youtube and Google have managed to come together and create a live streaming service dedicated entirely to gaming.
((Now...most of us already know that a livestream gaming service already exists on the internet ["Twitch"],but I'm quite sure that [at least for now] Youtube Gaming is currently above the competition when it comes to online video game streaming)).
*Just how does Youtube Gaming surpass the current Video Game stream competition?
(1) - DVR availability
Thanks to this,the rewinding of streams (mid play) is made possible (something that Twitch has yet to develop).
[The Youtube Gaming DVR length limit is currently 4 hours]
(2) - Frames per second ((60fps))
The frames per second (frame rate) represent the potential rate/speed at which display devices can produce consecutive images/frames.
Twitch is also behind 60fps coming from them.
(3) - Stable Network Bandwidth
I'm gonna start here by stating that my internet speed is among the elite in average internet packaging (54.0 Mbps to be exact).
Anything that lags on my devices are definitely legible for being penalised!!
I'm not sure exactly how much the difference is between Youtube Gaming and Twitch's communication path/network bandwidth (respectively),but the difference is definitely noticeable.
Streaming videos in Medium even,have proven to be unstable as heck on Twitch,but 1080p streams on Youtube Gaming aren't sticking even once!! need to STEP UP your game here too!!!
Youtube Gaming is REALLY kicking Twitch's ass right now!!!
Things are looking bad for them,but time would have to tell...
I'm not saying that Twitch is DEFINITELY dead...I'm just saying that the chance of it being so is really high right now.
Direct Link to Youtube Gaming's home page:

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